Record Linkage

DNA Record Linkage

Our approach is simple and innovative. The system is optimized to work with billions of sequences (simultaneous records). The system is fast and sensitive in linking data.

Our system is able to track the same individual in different databases. This allows us to create complete data, without redundancy and above all: complete anonymization of patient/individual information throughout the record linkage process. Our system was designed and developed to deal with sensitive information, including many of these with discrimination in society. Data converted to DNA automatically creates a barrier that prevents sensitive information from being exposed. Alignment algorithms have high processing power, which allows us to compare an individual against millions of other sequences and identify them even with spelling errors and even when there is a change in last name or change/error in date of birth. For example, it is common, due to marriage tradition, to change the wife's last name. Tucuxi deals very well with these types of problems faced in the integration of administrative databases. Our initial tool, called Tucuxi-BLAST, has already been published and has been released in several news channels. See an example of a report here and the explanatory video below. Now we have an even more advanced computational tool called D2DNA.

Our initial tool, called Tucuxi-BLAST, has already been published and has been released in several news channels. See an example of a report here and the explanatory video below. Now we have an even more advanced computational tool called D2DNA.


Save time

Consistent data

Increase your data mining power

Save resources on handling redundant data

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